1. In DADA-LAND it is easy to find out where a Worry Eater lives – our houses look just like us!
  2. In DADA-LAND we don’t like being bossed around, but sometimes decisions have to be made. So, everyone can have a say in things when he is “King-of-the-Day!”
  3. In DADA-LAND all vehicles are pedal-powered – we all love a good race!
  4. In DADA-LAND Christmas is called “Twinkle-Night” – and we put up our  “Twinkling Trees” and hang up our Twinkling Stockings!
  5. In DADA-LAND we have tin string telephones – they look funny, but work perfectly fine!
  6. In DADA-LAND it is almost always summer! The other seasons only make a brief appearance. So, you can imagine the fun we have when it starts to snow!
  7. In DADA-LAND we only use solar power and wind energy!
  8. In DADA-LAND we have a roller coaster that rides up and down our funny-looking mountains – what a thrill!
  9. In DADA-LAND not all inhabitants are Worry Eaters – one of our favorite neighbors is Berta, the talking cow with stripes!
  10. In DADA-LAND we have our own band – it’s called “Without a Worry” and plays the most smashing tunes!